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Headteacher's Blog Post - Saturday 4th May 2019

For Catholics, the month of May is devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Throughout the Catholic church, there are special devotions and prayers in celebration of ‘Mary’s month. At Bishop Vaughan, we look forward to day 24th May which will bring together pupils from our Catholic cluster of primary schools in a Marian Celebration.

Many non-Catholics and Catholics alike may be unaware of how and why Our Lady has become associated with, and is celebrated during, the month of May. For many centuries, the idea of ‘new life’ has been celebrated in the month of May. Even the Roman and Greek civilisations celebrated new life at this point of the year. It is easy to understand why this might be, as nature fills with colour, trees flourish again and flowers begin to bloom; the earth seems to awaken fully from winter. The Catholic church recognised that Mary as a bearer of new life, brought Jesus into the world and thereby new life for all. God, working through Mary, gave us new life.

We are looking forward, therefore, to a special celebration of Our Lady at the end of this half term, this fittingly taking place in our Rosary Garden, which is currently symbolising new life also, with the tulips in full bloom, each bed planted in colours reflecting the mysteries of the Holy Rosary. We are delighted that pupils from our Catholic feeder schools will be joining us for this.

Parents, carers and pupils will also be aware that last week the consultation on the proposed changes to the school day ended. Following analysis of all responses, it has been clear that the proposals are favoured and therefore, from September, the school day will be finishing at 3pm. An extensive and varied programme of after-school activities will continue to be offered, and it is very much hoped that increased numbers will be able to access this provision with the homeward journey at the end of these activities now being brought forward also, a particularly important consideration for families during the darker winter months.

We wish all of our pupils and their families an enjoyable Bank Holiday weekend and, as always, send every good wish to those preparing for their examinations. As discussed in our assemblies, we pray for your success to St. Joseph of Cupertino, patron saint of examinations, about whom you can learn more by clicking on the picture.

With best wishes, then, to all those revising, and to all pupils for the extended weekend!

Mrs Pole


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