As the term – and indeed the school year – draws to a close, we have all been reflecting upon the year as a whole as well as upon the events of recent weeks. Particular highlights of the past month have included the Year 6 Mass held on 4th July. This took place after two transition days where the pupils who will be joining us in September worked together to present the various parts of the Mass.
The theme of Mass was centred on the message of the Parable of the Sower. In preparing the various parts of the Mass, pupils’ creative work focused on presenting spiritual growth in a variety of ways, ranging from a prayer tree to hopes and dreams being expressed through flowers, and to living out the character virtues emerging as sun rays. The message of the parable was delivered via a thought-provoking dramatisation.
The Mass was celebrated by our School Chaplain, Father John Browne, with the Year 6 pupils taking on important roles with a little help from our Faith Council. We hope that our Year 6 pupils will flourish when they arrive at Bishop Vaughan School in September’s Year 7, just like the seeds they symbolically planted, and that their hopes and dreams are realised during the time that they spend with us.
In the same week, we had our annual school musical production—what a joy it was to watch pupils from three of our cluster schools performing in the humorous, exuberant and yet thought-provoking musical!
The school Prom certainly lived up to the pupils’ (high!) expectations and it was a stylish and warm celebration of our very special Year 11 group of 2019. As you will see from the Summer newsletter, our pupils looked very glamorous indeed! They are truly a lovely group of young people and have forged many close friendships in their time here – ones which will undoubtedly prove to be lifelong and valuable to them. We commend them on the ways in which they have grown spiritually, academically, morally and culturally in their time here and I am delighted that we will be welcoming so many of them back to continue their studies in the Sixth Form. I wish them – and indeed our current Sixth Formers - every success for their August exam results!
As mentioned in a previous post, the school will, in September, be hosting an exhibition of artwork from pupils across Swansea’s Catholic schools, with an additional exhibition celebrating Catholic history and faith in the city. Details are provided on our website and will be sent out again prior to the exhibition itself, but we very much hope you will join us for this celebratory event.
Throughout the year, then, we have indeed been delighted by the ways in which the pupils entrusted to us have flourished in line with our aim that they may “have life and have it to the full” through being nurtured towards becoming young people who demonstrate the character traits that we aim to foster as part of our Catholic pupil profile. Without doubt, we witness on a daily basis pupils who are indeed grateful, generous, faith-filled and hopeful; those who are learned, wise, attentive and discerning; pupils who are compassionate, loving, eloquent and truthful, and those who are curious, active, intentional and prophetic! We commend each and every one of them on this, and we look forward to congratulating those receiving exam results in August. In the meantime, we wish all pupils and their families a restful, happy summer break.
Mrs Pole