Dear Parents and Carers,
First of all, please accept our apologies for having been unable, today, to provide you with a confirmed date of your child's return-to-school, and the end of their self-isolation period. This decision lies with the Test, Trace, Protect team and not with schools. Unfortunately, and despite our best efforts, there has been a delay in processing this decision formally.
Our own estimate of the date upon which your child can resume normal activities and also return to school is Wednesday 2nd December. Please note that this is a provisional date only and this will be confirmed in writing by Test, Trace, Protect and by the school as soon as the decision is processed by them. I feel it is only fair, however, to let you know of this estimate so that you are able to plan accordingly as a family and take whatever steps are needed to keep your child and your family safe during the time of their self-isolation. I am providing a link here to the letter which we, as a school, send upon confirmation that one of our pupils has tested positive for Covid, so that you have all of the information that is helpful to families in these circumstances.
While we are keen that you have the fullest information possible at the earliest opportunity, hence us providing you with the linked letter, the expected date of return-to-school and this message, please understand that we will forward the confirmed date of return to normal activities immediately upon receiving this confirmation ourselves. You have our assurance that we are seeking this as a matter of urgency.
We are providing continuity of learning via Microsoft Teams for all pupils able to access this, and via paper packs for those pupils who have requested these. These are in the process of being sent out to you following last night's notification of a positive case in your child's year group. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if your child is experiencing difficulty in accessing resources in either format.
Finally, we are deeply aware of the worry that your child may be experiencing at this time. We understand that our Year 11 pupils in particular may be experiencing uncertainty and worry regarding the likely methods of assessment that will be used to support the grades they will receive this year. Again, please know that we are committed to ensuring that no pupil is disadvantaged by circumstances beyond their control, such as we are all experiencing due to the pandemic. In addition, our Wellbeing Team are available to support any pupils experiencing heightened levels of anxiety and requiring support. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if this would be helpful to your child.
In the meantime, I will be in touch with you again as soon as I receive the confirmed end-of-isolation dates, and I am sending very best wishes to you, your child and your family during this difficult period on behalf of the staff and Governors; I assure you all of our prayers and our support for your child's health and wellbeing in these worrying times.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Pole