Bonjour / Hola!
At Bishop Vaughan pupils have the opportunity to study two foreign languages. French is offered to all pupils in Years 7 and 8 with the option to choose Spanish for Year 9.
Through learning a foreign language we provide our pupils with an opening to other cultures and a deeper understanding of the world. Our focus is to enable and equip are pupils to develop their linguistic ability and develop into global citizens.
Pupils are taught a range of topics and how to express their ideas thoughts and opinions in another language. All tasks are centered around the four skills of speaking, reading, listening and writing with the aim of enabling pupils to use language to communicate for practical purposes whilst also learn new ways of thinking. Pupils are taught to have an appreciation of other cultures and discover language through a range of resources including literature and film.
We hope to instil a love of languages in our pupils and provide a platform from which they can learn additional languages in readiness for future travel, work and leisure.
Topics studied in Year 7 are French language basics, My family and I, School, Hobbies and Interests, My Area, Holidays and present and future tense.
Topics studied in Year 8 are My Interests, Entertainment and Leisure (Media), Food and drink, Clothes and Fashion, In and Around Town, A Past Trip to Paris and present, past and future tenses.
Topics studied inn Year 9 are in preparation for GCSE and are studied at foundation level. These are Self and Relationships, Entertainment and Leisure, School, Jobs and Future Plans, Holidays and Travel, Festivals and Celebrations and present, past, future and conditional tenses.
Topics studied at GCSE build on those covered at KS3. Pupils build their language skills through reading, writing, listening and speaking whilst gaining a better cultural understanding of the countries in which the language is spoken. Topics covered include Self and Relationships, Technology, Food and Drink, School, Local Area, France and the French-speaking world, Environment, Social Issues, Careers and Employment, Post 16 study, Entertainment and Leisure, Holidays and Tourism. All 4 skills are examined at the end of Year 11. Through gaining a GCSE in MFL, pupils develop their confidence and language proficiency.
Spanish GCSE is offered as an additional GCSE through on line and after school sessions.