Bishop Vaughan Catholic School is unique and distinctive. At our very core is a recognition that everyone is created in God’s perfect image and has their own unique God given talents and abilities. We nurture the spiritual life of our learners over time encouraging them to be the very best that they can be academically, morally and socially.
Our school community is diverse and we celebrate this difference and all the richness that it brings to our learning community. Our distinctive ethos can be seen in many different aspects of school life:
in a respect for pupils and staff;
in assemblies;
in daily collective acts of worship with tutors;
in the general positive ‘feel’ of our school upon which many visitors comment;
in pupils trying their very best in all that they do academically and socially;
in weekly liturgies;
in special services throughout the year.

"I have come that they may have life,
and have it to the full."
JOHN 10:10
Bishop Vaughan is a Christian community in the Catholic tradition.
Our mission is to provide an outstanding, whole person education through which all are challenged to grow in wisdom, understanding, self-worth and closeness to God. The key characteristics which we strive to display are well expressed by the diagram (see left).
Prayer and reflection are, of course, woven into the fabric of school life. The traditional prayers of the Catholic community are used and the universal message of the Church and its call to new life encourages us to invite and support all our pupils to reach their potential.